Pascal Birchler

Pascal Birchler

Pascal Birchler é um jovem estudante de 22 anos que é ainda programador. Contribui para o WordPress quando pode, seja a organizar eventos locais ou através de contribuições directas para o core.

Aliás, passa por aqui a sua sessão no WordCamp Porto. Pascal recebeu acesso para comit ao core do WordPress desde que liderou o processo de integração do sistema de incorporações implementado na versão 4.4.

From Blogger to WordPress Core Committer é o nome da sua sessão. Usa WordPress desde 2006 mas só nos últimos três anos tem contribuído para o projecto. Fez o primeiro patch no core no WordCamp Europe 2013 e, a partir daí, não parou.

Por fim, consta que vai explicar o que os chocolates suíços têm a ver com tudo isto.


Pascal Birchler is a 22-year-old student and web developer from Switzerland. He contributes to WordPress wherever he can, whether it’s by organising local events, or through direct core contributions.

His passion is to help other people, whether it’s by cooking, building awesome websites, or by blogging. He’s been working with WordPress for years and is involved with both the German-speaking and the international community. Recently he was given commit access to WordPress core after leading the embeds feature plugin included in WordPress 4.4

From Blogger to WordPress Core Committer. Pascal will talk about his humble beginnings as a WordPress user and how I eventually got commit access to WordPress core. “By telling my unique story I want to show how rewarding contributing to an open-source community can be and inspire people to do the same. I’ve been using WordPress since 2006, but only in the last three years I’ve been contributing heavily to the open-source project. I began attending the local meetup and the very first WordCamp in Switzerland. I attended WordCamp Europe 2013, where I submitted my first patch to WordPress core. Fast-forward to 2015, when I decided to develop a feature for embedding WordPress posts on other websites that made it into WordPress 4.4. How do these embeds work and what is it like to lead such a project? How does breaking the web by introducing bugs feel like? At the end of 2015, I attended WordCamp US where I was announced as one of seven new guest committers to the WordPress project. It wasn’t always an easy journey, but it has always been rewarding and I could always count on the helpful people around me. I will talk about the various ways people can contribute to WordPress and what it takes to be a core committer. Also, I will reveal what Swiss chocolate has to do with the latter…”.
Awesome, We’ll have chocolate.
